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Mar 5, 2018

Make friends with all carbs but become besties with the nutrient-rich carbs below. 

Carbs=fuel (energy) We need a variety at each meal in smaller portions. It is recommended you eat a meal every 4-5 hours to replenish energy!

Whole grains (cereal, bread, pasta)

Beans and Legumes

Low-fat Milk

Whole Fresh...

Dec 31, 2017

Is your New Year’s resolution to shed pounds and eat healthier? Make these goals attainable, and transform your resolutions into realistic changes you can measure. Break big goals into smaller, more specific goals, like “I want to lose ten pounds in four months.” Evaluate your progress every week or two and...

Jun 1, 2017

Epi 46 Show Notes

I'm talking my pregnancy and gender reveal! Upcoming shows will cover my pregnancy story and pregnancy health. Follow the conversation on instagram and/or follow #DietitianCindy


Thanks for listening and please don't forget to

May 1, 2017

Dietitian Cindy's Show Notes

Per SUDIA press release,

To learn more about osteoporosis prevention and the "Bone-gevity: Bones Built to Last" campaign, visit and follow the conversation using #bonegevity and #bonehealth.

Additional Resources for your reading pleasure:
